姬路雪奈 发表于 2009-2-28 11:59:21


Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) director of hardware marketing John Koller has said that the firm has only revealed roughly half of the PSP’s 2009 line-up, with a number of “triple-A” titles still yet to be unveiled.

Speaking to Kotaku, Koller stated, “At Destination PlayStation we announced about half of the line up for the PSP this year, some fairly major, triple-A titles are coming for the back half of the year that are going to be announced in the coming months and at E3.”

“LittleBigPlanet is going to be one of the top three but a number of others that are coming are just as big,” he added.

Koller also divulged that the PSP version of the Media Molecule platformer will be able to connect in some way to the PS3 release (most likely to share levels), though didn’t go into any specific detail.

So readers, what else would you like to see on PSP this year? Resident Evil? An all-new Metal Gear Solid? How about a brand new IP? Let us know in the comment section below.

SCEA硬件市场部主管John Koller透露,psp目前确认的大作只是2009年游戏朝中的一部分而已,一批3A大作还未公布,届时将带给玩家惊喜。




weiwsywei 发表于 2009-2-28 12:09:23


天野とおこ 发表于 2009-2-28 12:18:04

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