musquall 发表于 2010-7-29 00:51:33

[20100726$]任天堂商标曝光 或为3DS新功能名称

任天堂新注册的一组商标近日遭到曝光。该商标之所以引起了外界注意,就是因为它与3DS产生了紧密的联系,并且有可能是之前提到的“tag mode”在线通信功能的名称。任天堂在今年的E3大展上承诺说,3DS将为玩家提供在线通信功能,玩家可以相互交换游戏数据,即便是玩家处于不同的游戏之中。

从此次曝光的CrossPass、CrossPass Mode、CrossPass Network和CrossPass Connection商标来看,这项功能有可能被命名为CrossPass。

此外新注册的商标还包含了3D Paddleball、3D Challenge和3D Hopper,这些名字更像是基于3DS平台的3D游戏。任天堂之前在E3上提供的试玩游戏《Target Shooting》也在此次注册商标之列。

任天堂至今也没有披露3DS的发布日期,之前任天堂美国总裁Reggie Fils-Aime称3DS将在本财年发布(2011年3月31日前)。


Nintendo 3DS “Tag Mode” Called CrossPass Mode, 3D Paddleball In Development?
By Spencer . July 26, 2010 . 11:18pm

A bunch of trademarks, which appear to be related to the Nintendo 3DS popped up in Japan. CrossPass, CrossPass Mode, CrossPass Network, and CrossPass Connection all sound like they’re related to the tag mode inspired, always on networking feature. The Nintendo 3DS will allow players to exchange data while passing other players, even when they’re playing a different game.

Nintendo also registered trademarks for 3D Paddleball, 3D Challenge, and 3D Hopper. All of these sound like Nintendo 3DS software or, at the very least, tech demos. Nintendo also registered Target Shooting, which was the name of the neato augmented reality demo at E3.
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