musquall 发表于 2010-8-24 23:42:09


由《寄生前夜》系列女主角Aya Brea继续担任主角的《第三次生日》已经定于今年冬天发售。这是既《王国之心》后,另一个由野村哲也监制的游戏。野村希望能够在psn上再次发售《寄生前夜》系列的前两作。



Nomura Wants To Release Parasite Eve Classics On PSN Before The 3rd Birthday
By Spencer . August 24, 2010 . 3:42am

The 3rd Birthday, a new game starring Parasite Eve protagonist Aya Brea, is slated for release this winter. That’s after another Tetsuya Nomura project, Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded. After Sora, but before wedding dress Aya, Nomura wants to re-release Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve 2 on PlayStation Network

“But, before The 3rd Birthday I’d like to do something for the numerous requests for the archives of 1st and 2nd,” Nomura posted on Twitter.

The Game Archives section on Japan’s PlayStation Store is home to a library of PsOne games ranging from classics like Resident Evil and Final Fantasy VII to rarities such as L.S.D.

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