视频内有翻译~ 完整演讲稿(附中英翻译) 演讲稿编写:@假药君卖假药 (内有少许改动,“梦域理想乡”均改为moejam.com) 嘿,兄弟们,问你们一个有趣的问题:你们知道“梦域”(中文发音)是什么吗? HEY, GUYS, THERE IS QUESTION I NEED TO ASK U, WHAT IS MENGYU? 我刚听到这个词,脑海就浮现一片大陆。那是一片绿油油的,满是植物的土地。 WHEN THE FIRST TIME I HEARD THIS WORD, WHAT COMES INTO MY MIND IS A BIG LAND COVER WITH THE GREEN PLANTS 上面有许多动物踏着节拍载歌载舞,它们手牵着手,跟人类一起跳舞。他们脸上都是笑容,你甚至能在动物脸上看到笑容。 LOTS OF ANIMALS DANCING AND PLAYING , THEY GATHER TOGETHER HANDS BY HANDS, DANCING WITH PEOPLE. THEIR FACES FULL WITH THE JOY, SMILING.we CAN SEE THE SMILING ON EVERYONE'S FACE 那是一片欢声笑语的土地。人与人之间的相处非常融洽。有人遇到困难求助时,马上会得到其他人的帮助。 THATS A FULL WITH JOY AND HAPPINESS LAND. PEAPLE ARE FRIENDLY,IF ANYONE NEEDS THE HELP, THEY WILL JUST GET FROM OTHERS RIGHT AWAY. 如果有人喜获意想不到的好东西,他会第一时间拿出来跟其他人分享,其他人也很乐意把自己珍藏的东西拿出来分享。 IF SOMEONE HAVE SOME PRECIOUS STUFF, THEY WILL SHARE WITH OTHERS WITHOUT ANY DOUBT. THEY ...REALLY LOVE TO SHARE THE VALUEBLE THINGS WITH THEIR FRIENDS,WITH ANYONE. 人们会将这片土地称呼为“梦域理想乡(中文发音)”。 people will name this magical place ....."mengyu lee shang xiang" 这是一片存在于二次元的土地,一片属于二次元人类群居的地方。你能够在这里获得你想要的,包括人与人之间的关怀,人类之间的互相帮助,二次元的 this is a land which only exsist in this quadratic element dimension,the only place for the people who belong the acg.you can get what you want here:sharing the joy with others, helping with others,and any kinds of resourses u named 各种有用的资源,还有,梦想。 everything anything u can have it here.but the most important is ....your dream. the luxury of our human kind, we can have it here. 我发现人类很喜欢谈及梦想,小时候的,长大后的。人类会想一直追求它,就像暗恋已久的恋人。但残酷的三次元就像一壁墙将你拒于门外, we love to talk about our dreams,the small one,the big one,the impossible one. we always persuing our dream,just like our first love.however, the realistic always keep us far far away from our dream. 你只能躲在二次元这块没有拘束的地方继续坚持。过程是艰辛的,但你是一名坚持到底的勇士,你不愿意向现实低头,你是王。 we only can hide in this land "moelove" keep our faith of dream. the road of pursuing dreams is hard,but we are strong warriors, we never give in, cuz we are the king! 粉碎吧!现实!炸裂吧!精神! crush the realistic!lets burst our vitality, and fighting! 活在二次元世界的子民啊,愿哲学之神永远守护你,能够在短短的一生里,找到自己的梦想,并且紧紧握着它,品尝到梦想的甘甜。 the people of quadratic element world, the god of philosophy will guard you in ur life,assist you to find ur dream, and hold it tight,taste the sweetness. 梦域理想乡,这片名为梦想的大陆,正安躺于二次元与三次元之间,静静地等待着进入二次元的各位。 moelove,the name of the dream land is waiting for you eternally 我在这里,等待着你。我的兄弟。 And i will be here in the dream land ,waiting for you,my bro 梦域理想乡,有你更精彩。(全句中文发音) mengyu lee shang shang,yo knee gun gin try