musquall 发表于 2013-6-20 14:39:23





Receive the Blessing of East Blue

In Order to Save My Friends: The Vow with Shanks

"In the Name of Absolute Justice": The Birth of a Man Becoming a Marine Officer

"In the Name of Absolute Justice": The Birth of a Man Becoming a Marine Officer (kids' menu item)

"Honorable Liar": Proud Warrior's Departure

The Fighting Cook who Had the Same Dream: The Pirate and the Little Eggplant

Aiming to be the Best Swordsman in the World: Battle of the "Strong Man"

The One Spear that Comes from the Gut: Courage that Sticks to its Convictions

The Day of Freedom from Control: The Happy Celebration at the End


Red Nose's Great Adventure: "Raspberry Mousse" Garnished with Bara-Bara (Chop-Chop) Fruit

Beautiful Lady: Glossy and Smooth Creme Brulee

A Gentleman's Taste: Apology Panna Cotta and Macedonia Combination with Orange Sauce

Sparks Fall: Moku Moku (Plume-Plume) Shaved Ice

Nami's Orange Jelly


Luffy: "I'm going to become King of the Pirates!" Berry Berry Squash

Zoro: "Thank you. I can still become stronger." Kiwi Lassi

Sanji: "Do you know All Blue?" Blue Ocean

Cocoyasi Village: "Never forget the strength to continue laughing." Bellemere's Orange Juice

Scurvy: "Almost had him!" Lime Juice to Save Yosaku


黄金梅利号: "就是他!有了他,黄金梅利号准备就绪!" Milky Cocktail with a Black Currant Aroma

乌索普: "能成为海上勇士的米酒" 混合了蔬菜汁红眼猕猴桃酸奶

之前也有过一些《海贼王》主题餐厅,如2010年12月在Ginza Meza Marche complex的一家,依旧2011年在环球工作室日本主题公园里的“香吉士海盗餐厅”。



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