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发表于 2010-7-29 01:32:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




Capcom Explains Why Only Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition Works With PlayStation Move
By Spencer . July 27, 2010 . 10:20am

PlayStation Move support is coming to Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition via a free, downloadable patch. So, is Capcom going to release the same patch for regular copies of Resident Evil 5? No. Why? It won’t work.

A representative from Capcom explained, while I was mowing down Majini, that PlayStation Move controls require a memory resource. When Capcom developed the original version of Resident Evil 5 the team didn’t know about Move and used the memory resource for another feature. After Capcom saw PlayStation Move, they freed up a memory slot for PlayStation Move controls.

So, how does Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition play with a glowing wand?

The analog stick on the navigation controller makes Chris move while the wand is used to aim. Pressing the trigger button shifts into target mode where you can point at Majini and shoot with the move button. Shaking the wand in target mode makes Chris reload his weapon. If you’re not aiming, shaking makes Chris pull out his knife and slash. It’s possible to waggle a way through a small group of Majini since knifing is easier to do.

Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition does not require a navigation controller. You can use a regular Dualshock 3 pad instead. Gripping a regular controller in one hand and the PlayStation Move wand in the other sounds pretty cumbersome, though.
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