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发表于 2010-9-12 21:00:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
卡普空正在日本当地测试《街霸4》街机版,Event Hubs报道称,杨和云已确认在新加角色的花名册中,在最新的游戏版本中。

在Event Hubs上你可以阅读到一篇冗长的,涵盖多名角色的报道,但是有一或两个例外。想到这个信息来自一个本地测试,而且可能(或者说很有可能)以下一些功能不会加入到最终的游戏中:

1.云所有的特殊技均来自于《third strike》,包括Palm, Flip Grab, Dragon Kicks, Shoulder Attack等等(抱歉,我对这个游戏和这个人物很陌生,所以技能名字就不翻译了,以免遭到番茄鸡蛋待遇)。轻攻击只能是佯攻,中、重攻击可以改变对手被弹开的距离。这个动作有一个大打击框。(此句翻译绝对不准,各位自己去看原文吧。)


3.塞思的跳跃中重攻击被取消了,他的伸缩臂技能是从Dhalsim复制来的。现在塞思可以使出一些类似于古烈的 Crouching Hard Punch之类的技能了。


Yang And Yun Added To Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Version

Capcom are presently conducting location tests for Super Street Fighter IV in Japanese arcades, and Event Hubs report that Yang and Yun are now confirmed to be amongst the roster of newly-added characters to the game’s latest iteration.

There’s a lengthy report spanning numerous characters that you can read up on at Event Hubs, but here’s an excerpt or two. Keep in mind that this information comes from a location test and it’s possible (and likely) that some of these features may not make it into the final game:

•All Yun’s specials from Third Strike are in the game. Including his Palm, Flip Grab, Dragon Kicks, Shoulder Attack, etc. Light Punch Palm is a fake, Medium and Hard change the distance the opponent flies away. This move has a really big hit box.

•Yang’s command dash was in and crossed up like Ibuki’s in SSF4.

•Seth’s Jumping Hard Punch is gone, the stretchy arm one copied from Dhalsim. Now Seth does something akin to Guile’s Crouching Hard Punch.

Unfortunately, you’re seemingly out of luck if you’re a Sakura player — no changes have been reported in either her case or Balrog’s thus far. Other new character additions are being kept under wraps for now as well.

ps:原文处,还有一视频,不过是youtube的,大陆地区一般看不了,所以我就没贴出来,原文地址是http://www.siliconera.com/2010/0 ... -iv-arcade-version/,能翻墙的就自己去看吧。


参与人数 1威望 +5 收起 理由
飞天御虎 + 5


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