1) Funimation did use HS’s video/subs in that recording session 1)Funimation的确在录音间里使用了HS’s的视频和字幕。
2) We do not know why, we do not know if it is regular behavior2)我们不知道为什么他们这样做,不知道这种行为是不是日常行为。
3) Funimation is the licensee, and their license almost assuredly includes CR’s subtitle script 3)Funimation是授权的,这个授权包括字幕
4) Funimation’s license and US Copyright law and USC Section 17 give Funimation the legal right to use HS’s video/subs4)根据美国的版权条例和授权,他们有合法的权利去使用HS的视频和字幕。
5) As a result of #3 & #4 Funimation’s actions (not including font) were not illegal 5)更具3和4 Funimation的行为并不触犯法律
6) If the font in question was included as an additional file (and not hard coded), and we assume that HS does not have a license to distribute the font, Funimation may have unwittingly infringed the copyright of the font if they do not have an appropriate license for that font 6)如果字体的问题(J:字体的版权问题…..)
7) We do not know for fact if Funimation has a license for the font 7)我们并不知道Funimation是否有这字体的授权