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[20100929]《超级街霸4 3D版》首次公布细节和宣传片



发表于 2010-9-30 00:42:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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卡普空已经宣布了首批《超级街霸4 3D版》细节,同时还公布了一部宣传片。大野功统曾表示说,这款游戏的兽药目标是让便携版可以包含有完整版的所有功能。


《超级街霸4 3D版》还没有公布发售日期,但卡普空曾说,不希望在本次财政年度内发售。此外,还有件板上钉钉的就是,这次]《超级街霸4 3D版》的主题曲仍然沿用老版本的。


Super Street Fighter IV 3D First Details And Trailer
By Ishaan &#46; September 29, 2010 &#46; 2:25am

Capcom have announced the first details of Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition, along with a debut trailer of the game&#46; In the past, Street Fighter producer, Yoshinori Ono, has stated that the primary goal of the game is to make a portable version of the console game with all its features intact&#46;

The 3D Edition, however, also includes new features&#46; The first one is a passive Tag Mode feature called “Figure Collection&#46;” As you play through the game, you’ll unlock figures of the fighters&#46; In Tag Mode, these figures will enter into an automated fight with those of other players you happen to pass by&#46;

Winning will allow you to unlock more figures&#46; Figure Collection is entirely passive, and you probably won’t even notice when it happens if your 3DS is closed and in your pocket&#46;

The other new feature is just as interesting, and also makes use of Tag Mode&#46; When you’re playing through the game’s regular single player mode, if you happen to pass by another player with the game turned on, your CPU opponent will be kicked out of the ring and you’ll enter a match with the other player&#46;

Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition doesn’t have a release date, but Capcom have said not to expect it this fiscal year&#46; Now the only thing missing from the game is “Indestructible,” the theme song from the original Street Fighter IV&#46;


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飞天御虎 + 5


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